The Dream
To Film and Produce authentic Hunting and Fishing experiences to showcase the beauty, romance and true harshness of Africa.
Come and Journey Mystic Africa with Us!
The Dreamer
I am a Husband, Father, Photographer and Hunter. As a true African Adventurer, the thrill of hunting on African soil is a privilege. I do not want fortune or fame, but I would love to share this experience that only Africa can give. I hope with this journey into Mystic Africa, new friendships can be made - friends of mine and friends of Africa.
As a friend you can call me Meyer.
Season Adventure Schedule
Season 1
Season 1 of the African Hunt will showcase remarkable hunts of some of Africa’s most iconic animals. Each program will be packed with serious hunting conversation, learning new skills unique to Africa and the excitement of tracking and hunting these amazing creatures. Episodes are planned to support local charities, conservation causes or underprivileged communities. Some episodes will feature special guests that share our passion for the hunt and are keen to display their hunting skills on African soil.
S1: Episode 1
Red Dune Oryx Hunt...
S1: Episode 2
Limpopo Sable Stalk...
S1: Episode 3
Hunting the Grey Ghost...
S1: Episode 4
Holding onto the Tigers...
S1: Episode 5
The Not-so-Easy-to-Find Nyala...
S1: Episode 6
Africa’s Favourite...
S1: Episode 7
The African McNab challenge...
S1: Episode 8
Hunting the Stripes...
S1: Episode 9
Big Meat Eland...
S1: Episode 10
Waterbuck Riverfront...
S1: Episode 11
Hunting the Poor Man's Buffalo...
S1: Episode 12
Rhino Green Hunt...
S1: Episode 13
Facing the Widowmaker!...
Hunting and Conservation
As a Production Company we believe in conservation through hunting. In a world where game breeders are creating a sustainable environment for wildlife to flourish, and in return are remunerated for hunts that are conducted, conservation of wildlife and specie genetics are protected more than ever.
When there is no value in wildlife, normal commercial agriculture would ensue and take over. This will mean the end of vast wildlife areas in Africa.
Hunt to conserve, it makes sense!